Cirrhosis is a condition in which the liver becomes severely scarred due to chronic injuries or illnesses. Once the scar tissue begins to replace the healthy liver tissue, it can lead to the disruption of the normal blood circulation and the flow of the blood to this vital digestive organ. A healthy liver has a lot of vital functions in the body. It synthesizes proteins, detoxifies blood, helps in digestion of fat, increases immunity, and helps synthesize hormones that can metabolize sugar so that it can be stored in the body.
Cirrhosis of the liver is a severe condition and is often irreversible. When you have severely scarred liver tissues, you would need a liver transplant. However, when the liver tissue is not severely scarred, there can be some effective treatments for cirrhosis of the liver. Treatment of the condition is dependent on the cause.The common causes of liver disease are excessive alcohol consumption, hepatitis infections, and injuries to the liver. Some of the recommendations that the doctor would give for treating liver disease include:
Avoiding alcohol completely.Consuming a low-salt diet that is rich in fresh foods and contains plenty of nutrients and fibers. This would help you prevent the formation of ascites fluid in the abdomen.Consuming lots of vitamin A and C, which helps in detoxifying the liver and repairing the damaged tissues.The initial treatment of cirrhosis of liver usually includes the treatment of any complications that may cause further damage to the liver. When the liver is damaged, toxins can keep accumulating in the blood. As the blood passes through other organs in the body, these organs also begin to get diseased. To stop the blood from becoming toxic and affecting other organs, you may have to consume some medications. Some patients may also have to be hospitalized in order to have their blood filtered and cleaned. Surgery may also be needed, if the condition becomes potentially life threatening. It is important during this time to avoid consumption of alcohol. You should discuss the use of any medications you are consuming with your doctor. The doctor may give you some diuretic medicines to get rid of any fluid accumulation in your body.
Cures for Cirrhosis of the LiverThere are no certain cures for cirrhosis of the liver. Medical treatment is attempted to treat this condition and reverse the symptoms. Almost all treatments for cirrhosis of liver are based on relieving the symptoms and avoiding complications. A lot of anti-inflammatory medications and steroids are used to treat the damage and the scarring to the liver.
Home remedies for cirrhosis of the liver should only be attempted along with the medical treatments. If you are planning to use home remedies for your condition, always discuss this with your doctor first. Most doctors recommend consuming a healthy diet for cirrhosis of the liver. The diet is usually low in sodium and high in nutrients such as vitamin A and C. These vitamins help detoxify the liver and rejuvenate the damaged liver cells.
You would also need to have a low protein and low fat diet. Since the liver is responsible for the metabolism of fats in the body, it is important to limit the amount of fats you consume.Consumption of fats in your diet will cause indigestion and pain in the stomach. You may also experience regurgitation. If the symptoms of the condition are mild, the doctor would instruct you to consume lactulose every day. If the symptoms do not disappear with the diet and the lactulose, the doctor would reevaluate your medical treatment. If you experience clotting disorders, severe itching, brown spots on the skin, and indigestion, you may have to get a surgery.
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